5 Highly Effective facial cleanser for Oily Skin – Acne Prone Skin


facial cleanser for Oily Skin and Acne Prone Skin, People with oil and acne-prone skin face many issues like acne, mouth, smooth and sticky face, retardation, blackheads, whiteheads etc. These skin conditions generally get spoiled in summers. Nevertheless, it is possible to look after the skin with the right skin, fight with oil, lethargy and make your skin look clean, fresh and bright.

Here are 5 facial cleansers to help rid the dirt, oil, makeup, deep-seated impurities, and gives you unveil clear, bright and oil-free skin, clean and natural skin.

Best Facial Cleanser For OILY Skin & ACNE PRONE SKIN

facial cleanser

1. Skin Shiny Green Gram Cleanser – This Green Gram ingredient is a one of the best skin polishing component. It can be used as a substitute for face wash. This good option for the oily skin because it helps your face shine. Green gram contains proteins,  vitamins A, B, C and E, that helps keep the skin bright healthy and youthful.

Ingredients that you will need – Green Gram flour , Kasturi turmeric Powder

How to Use and Apply – 1. In small bowl take a ¼ cup of green gram flour and half tablespoon of kasturi turmeric powder and mix it properly and store clean in a container.

2.Take a tsp of mixture, apply on oily areas of your face then gently scrub it in a circular motion for a minute,then wash off with cool water.

2. Anti-spot face wash Apple cider vinegar Facial cleanser for oily and Acne Prone Skin

Apple cider vinegar gives you a miracle skin cure for the oily skin. This is a natural astringency, which means that it absorbs excessive oil from your skin and smooth skin pores. Use Apple cider vinegar to wash your face daily, you will see a great difference in age spots and signs. Apple cider vinegar rich in alpha-hydroxy acid, help remove dead skin and reveal clear, bright, immaculate and vibrant new skin.

Ingredients that you will need – One table spoon of Apple cider vinegar , 3 tablespoon of rose-water , one table spoon of honey

How to prepare and Use: – In a small clean bowl take all the ingredients and combine it properly. With help of cotton ball apply the mixture all over your face and neck, after apply leave it for a minute and wash off it with cool water.

Note: AP Cider vinegar is highly acidic and can cause skin irritation, so it is better to check your skin before applying thin apple cider vinegar in an inconspicuous area of your face.

3. Coffee Anti Aging Skin Brightening facial cleanser for oily and Acne Prone Skin

Coffee has a shiny effect on the skin. It prevents the pressure of the pores, destroys the fragrant layers of the skin, rejuvenates the skin. Packed with antioxidants, this skin enhances collagen production, helps firms and looks less scar and other minor flaws.

Ingredients you will need – Three table spoon of black coffee powder and Two tablespoon of honey

Prepare and Use methods: – Mix both ingredients together and store in clean container.

Take half tablespoon of mixture and gently scrub your dam face for two minutes in a circular motion, then wash off it with cool water.

4. Neem Face cleaner skin brightener facial cleanser for oily and Acne Prone Skin

This ancient Ayurvedic skin care component is extremely beneficial to control acne-prone skin. It contains powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties that work together to keep your skin clear, bright and smooth.

Ingredient you will need – ¼ cup of neem powder and four table spoon of raw honey.

How to Prepare and Use – In a small glass jar put both ingredients Neem powder and honey together and combine it properly. Your neem cleanser is ready to use. Take a teaspoon of cleanser and apply on your face and neck and let it sit for about two minutes then scrub for a minute. after scrub wash off it with cool water.

5. Orange – Skin Brightener and face Glowing facial cleanser for Oily and Acne Prone Skin

Orange Peels is a Vitamin C powerhouse that can work to make your dull, oily skin beautiful, bright and shiny. It (Vitamin C) fights against free radical damage, It supports the production of collagen in the skin and stimulates, improves the size of wrinkles and fine lines, illumines your color, lights up and renews. This is the cleaning of face that shines my favorite skin cleanser for summer.

Ingredients are – Four table spoon of peel powder, two table spoon of brown sugar, a drop of tea tree oil

How to prepare and use: Take a small clean bowl take all ingredients and combine it then store in a container. Now your orange peel cleanser is ready to use. Take one table spoon of mixture apply on your face and neck then gently massage in a circular motion after that wash off with cool water. Above best 5 skin brightener Facial Cleanser is for Oily and Acne Porn skin



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